JackLeg Drilling Competition

Wednesday, September 10th, 2025, 11:30 am - 3:00 pm


Location: Outside at the Rocks Behind the Curling Arena



Divisions For Dignitaries, Novices & Pros

Women & men may compete


11:30 am - Dignitary Challenge (men & women)      

Noon - Novice (men & women)

1:30 pm - Northern Jackleg Pros (men & women pros only)

3:00 pm - Award Ceremonies




Win Prizes & Trophies!

Online registration is now open (FREE) All are welcome to participate! 


Registration starts at 11 a.m. by the rocks next to the Curling Rink (Arena 2) or you may register in advance online for the Jackleg Drill competitions.


On arrival, all competitors must sign-in with the host of the competition Manroc Developments. Be sure to register before the event begins. All equipment and gear are provided - bring warm socks. The participants in the Mayors and Celebrities Challenge and the Novice Mixed events will be assisted by a team from Manroc in handling the jackleg drill. The goal of these competitions is to drill 1 pre-collared hole and be drilled to a specified depth of 150mm.

The winning Mayor or Celebrity will receive a trophy “Pushing the Ore Cart” by Northern Ontario sculptor Ernie Fauvelle.

The winner in the Novice event will receive a sculpture also designed by Ernie Fauvelle and $125:00 in cash.


The objectives for the Professional Jackleg competition is to safely pick up the drill, install the steel, collar, and complete two drill holes to a minimum depth of 24 inches with a center-to-center distance of 6 inches. The timer stops only when you stand up your rig. Speed comprises only one element of the scoring. Safe work habits, maintaining a safe work environment, precision hole alignment, and professional conduct will be the major marking criteria. In case of a tie, the judges' decision is final.


The first-place winner will receive $300.00 in cash and the coveted “Original” Driller collectors edition by Ernie Fauvelle ($400:00 value). The second-place finisher will win 200.00 Cash, and the " Pushing the Ore Cart" by Ernie Fauvelle. The third-place finisher wins $100:00 cash, and the "Mini Gold Panner " on a plaque by Ernie Fauvelle.


Awards will be presented at the awards ceremony at 3:00 p.m.



Thanks to our Sponsors



You must be in full care and control of the jackleg at all times or you will be disqualified.
Any major safety violation will result in an automatic disqualification.



  • 2 parallel holes will be driven 3” apart drilled to specified depth 18" (between inner edges)
  • 1 point deducted for every ¼ inch deviation from plan on alignment
  • 1 point deducted for every ½ inch deviation from plan on depth
  • Time is only a factor in the event of a tie

The example below shows a deduction of 6 points:

  •  2 points, right hole is drilled to 19 inches, plan in example is 18 inches
  • 1 point, collar of hole position
  • 3 points, measured 2 feet from collar of holes for alignment


  • 1 hole to be drilled to specified depth of 12"
  • 1 point will be deducted for every 1/8-inch deviation from plan


We are here to help. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!



Register for JackLeg Competition